Memory Lanes

Pictures of everyday life, travels or locations. Now living in one of the most beautiful regions of France, part of it is the Gard department, I will post shots of this place where time seems to have stopped. For each photo, a caption in English will be posted too. Just double-click on an image to get a bigger shot. Many thanks to my friend Scott for giving me such an intense yet fleeting insight into precious moments of life captured on a still image.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A glorious sunny day in Pont-Saint-Esprit.

The French poet Frédéric Mistral called Pont-Saint-Esprit "The Golden Gate of Provence". For the tourist, it is ideally situated at the junction of two rivers (the Ardèche and the Rhône), three regions (Languedoc, Provence and Rhône-Alpes) and four counties (Gard, Vaucluse, Drôme and Ardèche). But for the civil servant it is a back-of-beyond place where a free post might be situated only a few miles away but unreachable, belonging to another health or another educational authority. For this reason, and also due to the fact that the population often spotted in town definitely has a very pronounced dodgy Mediterranean air, Pont-Saint-Esprit only ranks as number 8 on my job wishing list, although a mere 15 minutes drive from my future hometown.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A quiet Sunday morning in Avignon.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Valentin watching the Holy Shroud in the Palais des Papes, Avignon 20/04/08.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Old wall painted advert somewhere near Avignon.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The Winter of my discontent. Bourg-Saint-Andéol, February 2008.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Chronicle of a death foretold.

An old poster, spotted on a derelict shopwindow somewhere in the old town of Aubenas. It heralded the birth of supermarkets in the 70s but did not mention its main consequence two decades later: the disappearance of small shops from our cities.