Memory Lanes

Pictures of everyday life, travels or locations. Now living in one of the most beautiful regions of France, part of it is the Gard department, I will post shots of this place where time seems to have stopped. For each photo, a caption in English will be posted too. Just double-click on an image to get a bigger shot. Many thanks to my friend Scott for giving me such an intense yet fleeting insight into precious moments of life captured on a still image.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Old SPOR(t), CJ...

I've always been keen on Roman films, and I can remember many a Xmas Eve when my folks went to bed at the late hour of about 11 p.m. giving me time to catch the late evening film, traditionally related to Romans and Bible themes.
Oddly enough, for years I misread the Roman banners and reckoned 'SPORT' was what they advertised. As a child I didn't find this peculiar simply because in films, Romans are always portrayed as fit and muscular characters, a quality which can only be achieved through regular sporting activity.
Growing up and getting more educated I realized that 'SPQR' was the correct spelling although I had no idea what that meant.
The old sign haunted me throughout my recent trip in Rome, as it can be spotted everywhere in the street, and on the last day I eventually got to know its meaning, 30 years of childhood memories were blown within a second...