Memory Lanes

Pictures of everyday life, travels or locations. Now living in one of the most beautiful regions of France, part of it is the Gard department, I will post shots of this place where time seems to have stopped. For each photo, a caption in English will be posted too. Just double-click on an image to get a bigger shot. Many thanks to my friend Scott for giving me such an intense yet fleeting insight into precious moments of life captured on a still image.

Monday, March 03, 2008

House on the hill.

It all started like a David Vincent-style story: getting lost at dusk on a deserted road, hundreds of miles from home, looking for a house which I never found, ending up in a posh leafy borough and spotting an old sign on a gate, "for sale". I learned later that the sign wasn't that old as the owner said he had put it up only two days before. I gave him a ring the following evening saying he could put it down...